Saving your professional photos || How to

How to

April 18, 2022

You received your online gallery from your photographer, now what?

Download and save!

I recommend saving your professional images (ESPECIALLY wedding photos) in multiple places. What doe this mean? Save them to your laptop, a hard drive, a thumb drive, a cloud service, etc. This way, if something happens to one device, you have them backed up safely in another place. Keep your external drives (hard drives and thumb drives) stored in a fireproof safe. That way you always know where they are at, and they are protected at all times. If you decide to go the route with a cloud service, I recommend Backblaze. It is one of the easiest, more affordable options for any user.

If you don’t have a computer and you use your phone to store photos, I recommend investing in a hard drive made for your phone and keeping it in a safe place. As well as investing in iCloud storage. I pay $3 a month for 200GB of iCloud storage. I have almost 15,000 photos on my phone (embarrassing) and that only takes up 53 GB of storage. It’s worth it!

Did you know that after a photographer finalizes the images and delivers them to the client, it is the client’s responsibility to store the images moving forward, not the photographers? This is my PSA to say, don’t let your photos just sit on the online gallery. We can’t trust that we will always have access to that gallery, so download your images immediately and keep them safe! It will be regretted someday if you lose your images!


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